Yo! check these lyrics in the tune of Tupac’s “Come With Me”. This dude said, “i remember singing La da da da
don't bring that over here, i be like nah na na na. It's God on my side, hope it's God you decide...” A piece from Bryann T’s 2022 release “Something Eternally Better”. We added a joint from his 2023 LP “Heart to Heart”. His whole project is hot. Go’n check it. Thanks again to Holy Culture for the Holy Hip Hop updates. Cover photo beauty is Mika Marrow. She is joined by Yolanda Adams sister, Allegro Nevella spittin’ that Holy Hip Hop on this gospel/R&B track “Alright”. Destinee has a contemporary gospel blessing called “Preparing Me”. On the real churchy side of things this week, we added “Take The Lord With You” by quartet group The Rising Stars. Their whole 2023 LP is a quartet gem.
Congrats to all the stations, artists, promoters etc that have been nominated for the upcoming Stellar Awards. Our inbox has been flooded with “vote for me” campaigns. I’d love to vote BUT...break out the violins...I haven’t renewed our SAGMA dues. Sorry we can’t vote this year. And then....keep the violins going and add some cheese to my whine..I got my NAB show ticket reserved and ready to hit the Las Vegas convention center to do my nerd thing but nooooo the job needs me back in Phoenix to help with Google fiber. I’m gonna miss NAB...waaaaa! I could hear my mom and grandma now, “boy you know how many folk wish they had your problems”....”you better thank the Lord you got that good job”...”get on your knees and thank Him for the blessing of selling and buying homes to move cross states”. Not like we don’t have the money for dues, just was not on the list to do among the moving and passing of my dad. Well thank you guys for the violin service and letting me cry on your shoulder. Things ain’t so bad, they’re actually great.
I got a awesome team for itsallgospel. Pictured is the co-owner Allyson Moses and music director Chad Howard. Thank you TEAM IAG - James Williams, Calvin D, Quinten Simon, Phillip Gullage and Larry W. Robinson for all you do.