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Video Submission - send youtube, tiktok or instagram link of your video along with EPK or any other professional info about you. Submission does not guarantee airplay.
Custom Video or Audio Promo - You can make a special ItsAllGospel promo if you like. Say your name, promote your song, artist, church, restaurant, anything clean. For example, "Hi, my name is _______ from ________ church in (your city and state) and you're tuned into iag radio, Its All Gospel." Any video you make from your phone or camera, just upload to any one of your social media platforms and send us the link.
a subsidiary of All Moses Investments & Holdings LLC

Music Submission - send high quality mp3. Include all necessary metadata inside of the audio file such as album artwork, genre, the title of the song, artist name, composers, etc. This is extremely important for many reasons. One, songs tagged with this data are more easily trackable and will help you get paid if you’re signed up with a performing rights organization. Two, your music can end up renamed, refiled, or with anyone once you send it out. Therefore, having this information automatically tagged in the data of your music file will help you keep authorship and identifying information of the song intact. Submission does not guarantee airplay.

Aiajee - pronounced I.A.G. which is the acronym for "It's All Gospel". In short, all genres of music and entertainment related to christian/gospel. However, It's All Gospel is more than just christian and gospel entertainment. It is positive entertainment that inspires. Clean comedy that'll make you laugh. Feel good music without the "gutterness". From hip hop to traditional gospel, neo soul to christian rock...If it's all good, then it's all love, when it's all love then it's all God and when it's all God, IT'S ALL GOSPEL.
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Tour dates for It's all gospel
Keep on the lookout for 2023 Live Performance dates.
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