a subsidiary of All Moses Investments & Holdings LLC
IAG Radio, Podcast, livestreaming, music videos and production from Las Vegas NV. For instructions on getting IAG Radio on your TV click here. Look around and enjoy!
Aiajee - pronounced I.A.G. which is the acronym for "It's All Gospel". In short, all genres of music and entertainment related to christian/gospel. However, it's not just Christian or Gospel. As quoted from First Corinthians 16:14 of the Voice Bible, "Let love prevail in your life, words and actions." Therefore, we include positive entertainment that inspires. Clean comedy that'll make you laugh. Feel good music without the "gutterness". From hip hop to neo soul to R&B...If it's all good, then it's all love, when it's all love then it's all God and when it's all God, IT'S ALL GOSPEL. In other words, IAG is not just's positive music and christian because IT'S ALL GOSPEL.
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